Susanne Lager
MSc, PhD, associate professorCo-investigator for UPMOST

Susanne Lager is a Senior Lecture in laboratory science at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden. Lager has a master’s degree in biology (specialization in molecular biology) and a PhD in physiology from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. After undertaking postdoctoral training at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (USA) and at the University of Cambridge (UK), Lager returned to Sweden in 2018. Her research focuses mainly on pregnancy complications and placenta using a range of in vitro and molecular biology approaches. Susanne Lager’s current projects are investigating connections between early pregnancy maternal proteomics and pregnancy outcomes, alcohol / drug abuse during pregnancy and placental function, as well as viral infections and pregnancy complications. She has also published several articles on microbiome in the human placenta. Currently, Lager is co-supervising three PhD students and is the main supervisor of one undergraduate student.