Eric Decloedt
Associate Professor, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Stellenbosch UniversityCo-investigator for Preeclampsia Intervention trials, Pharmacokinetics studies for preeclampsia treatment

Eric Decloedt is an associate professor and a medical specialist in clinical pharmacology. He completed his clinical pharmacology specialty training at the University of Cape Town in 2011 and was the first South African clinical pharmacologist to obtain the Fellowship of the College of Clinical Pharmacologists (College of Medicine of South Africa). He was appointed at Tygerberg Hospital / Stellenbosch University as the consultant clinical pharmacologist in 2013. He is recognised as a teacher of excellence, established the clinical pharmacology clinical service, the registrar training program in clinical pharmacology and serves in various leadership roles in Tygerberg Hospital, the Western Cape Department of Health and Stellenbosch University. He is the elected President of the College of Clinical Pharmacologists for the triennium 2020 – 2023. He is rated by the National Research Foundation as an established researcher (C2-rating). He serves as resident clinical pharmacologist on the Preeclampsia Research consortium.